SOJAM, the leading French supplier of cereal market with innovative PIRIGRAIN solutions
PIRIGRAIN / Cereal Market
1st independent French manufacturer specialized since 1953 in professional insecticide solutions, our group is expert since 1966 in insecticidal protection of the stored grains by cold fogging – and since 1978, with the preventive and curative solutions PIRIGRAIN, the 1st French supplier of cereal markets. 100% French leadership, whose innovation for performance is the driving force.
Insecticidal protection of stored grains,
an economic and sanitary necessity
To meet the economic and sanitary needs of cereal markets, SOJAM is not content to formulate insecticide solutions. SOJAM also designs and builds tailor-made equipment, installs and maintains them, and then controls the storage sites of its customers. Customers from all walks of life, called to stock, sell, transform or transport cereals: cereal cooperatives, grain dealers, agribusiness, port silos …
More than 20 million tons of cereals are processed each year with PIRIGRAIN solutions.
SOJAM strives to innovate and develop complementary alternative solutions to adapt to the new demands of its customers and the market.
Avant toute utilisation, assurez-vous que celle-ci est indispensable. Privilégiez chaque fois que possible les méthodes alternatives et les produits présentant le risque le plus faible pour la santé humaine et animale et pour l’environnement, conformément aux principes de la protection intégrée. Utilisez les produits phytopharmaceutiques avec précaution. Avant toute utilisation lisez l’étiquette et les informations concernant le produit. Consultez

Countering the risks of storage

Identify pests

Premises treatment

Cold Nebulization

Processing equipment

Insecticide solutions and their supplements

Alternative solutions